MAKICHUK: Red October, alien races and the end of the world
For decades, we had peace, and we forgot about it. Now, it is back, and staring us straight in the face — Armageddon
“Behold I am coming as a thief, and they gathered them together in a place called Armageddon … and the seventh angel poured fourth his bowl into the air, and a voice cried out from heaven, saying it is done.”
— Red October/ Revelations
In the film, Red October, Captain Ramius, played eloquently by Sean Connery in a superb toupe, realizes that his Soviet submarine, equipped with a high-tech and silent caterpillar drive, has been built for one reason.
A first strike weapon against the No. 1 enemy, the United States of America.
He leads a mutiny of his officers, deciding to defect and turn the ship over to the Americans — but in doing so, he deliberately alerts the Kremlin, which launches an all-out desperate search, to find and sink him.
It’s a masterful Tom Clancy piece of fiction, and a fascinating film I can watch over and over.
But today, in a world of war, strife and unending violence, we must ask ourselves if the earth is truly heading to World War III, otherwise known as Armageddon.
China is threatening to take Taiwan, and daring the US to stop it.
According to RAND researchers, “China began a dramatic nuclear buildup, enhanced its survivability with the DF-41 road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and near-continuous nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) patrols, and improved its ability to penetrate U.S. missile defences with a nuclear-capable fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS).”
The US, meanwhile, is shifting the tip of the spear — preparing for war in the Indo-Pacific, redesigning the US Marine Corps for just that task.
It is developing a variety of long-range strike weapons, including hypersonic missiles, conventional surface-to-surface missiles, and a new stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, which will carry a mix of munitions, including stand-off weapons.
Russia, under the Mad Russian himself, Vlad Putin, continues to hold large sections of Eastern Ukraine, and is slowly gaining more ground at a high cost in lives.
Last week, marked a record of sorts, 1,700 Russians killed in one single day.
Drones and missiles continue to rain down on Ukraine, as Putin tries to break the Ukraine’s will to fight — something that may be unattainable.

The Mideast too, is in deep disarray, with Israel’s destructive attacks on Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Beirut.
Iran, meanwhile, is in a tit-for-tat war with Israel, trading missile attacks which threaten to turn the region into a full-scale war.
It also supports numerous militia groups, including the Houthis who are attacking ships in the Gulf. The US, with its powerful Navy, unable to stop them.
Then we have the North Koreans, who have a leader who is bat-shit crazy.
When President Trump made his first foray into the White House, he asked President Obama, what was the most important issue.
Without hesitation, Obama said, “North Korea.” Not climate change, not the Russians and not the Chinese. Rather, Kim Jong Un of the DPRK.
Trump is back, of course, for four more years of fun — and that too, adds fuel to the fire. His unpredictability in world affairs is not only reckless, it is also dangerous.
For decades, we had peace, and we forgot about it. Now, it is back, and staring us straight in the face — Armageddon.

It is here, where this column takes a radical turn.
What would you say, if I told you, we had a chance to turn things around?
During my tenure as a 40-year journalist, I dedicated about 10 years of my life to research on the existence of extraterrestrials.
Now called UAP, which stands for unidentified anomalous phenomena, I sought to find out the truth for myself, venturing to such places as Roswell, N.M.
Some of the individuals who were involved in the now famous Roswell UFO incident were still alive then, and I got to speak to them first-hand.
To be honest, the existence of alien races and their visits to the earth remains the most important story of our time. According to top-secret COSMIC clearance NATO documents, at least five races, and as many as 12 have visited the earth.
These range from Greys, to Nordics and reptilians.
Yet mainstream media seems bent on treating the UFO phenomenon with comedic overtones, when in actuality, it is a very real and deadly serious issue.
I would also discover, to my utter shock, that we … earthlings … did have a chance to turn things around.
During my research, there were persistent rumours, leaks and people coming forward, detailing possible meetings between President Dwight D. Eisenhower and aliens.
Only recently more light has been shed on the subject, thanks to lecturer and author Timothy Good, one of the top UFO researchers in the world.
Good, who worked for the Pentagon, said that aliens at the first meeting were "Nordic" in appearance, but a deal was signed with a race of alien “Greys."
As the story goes, Ike met with aliens not only once, but thrice. Once at Edwards AFB and two more times at Holloman AFB in the 1950s.
At those meetings it is alleged that the aliens generally sought peace. They expressed concerns the earth was bent on self-destruction, and offered to help with their advanced technology.
They also demanded a halt to nuclear weapons testing, as well. When a nuke goes off, it actually causes problems elsewhere in the universe, they said.
Ike said no to both — America would not stop testing nukes and he refused advanced technology, on the premise it would ruin the US economy.
Ike’s final meeting with aliens was at Holloman AFB in February of 1955.
Observers said Air Force One landed, and taxied to the end of the runway. The pilot then asked the tower for all radars to be shut off.
At that moment, three UFOs showed up. One landed, one hovered as security and another vanished from sight.
A man recognized as Ike, walked down the stairs and shook hands with what we now call, an alien Grey. He proceeded into the saucer, and was there for 45 minutes, before emerging and departing.
According to Good, this was observed by many witnesses.
While the story sounds amazing and hard to believe, the deal made on that day largely still exists:
We would not be involved in their affairs and they would not become involved in ours;
They would help us with developing our technology;
They would not make a treaty with any other nation on Earth;
They could abduct humans for various experiments, but had to provide names of all those they abducted to the Majestic 12 committee. (Known as MJ-12)
Essentially, UFO/aerospace technology in exchange for freedom to abduct — a highly unethical agreement. Thus it had to be kept secret at all costs.
And while it sounds obscene, keep in mind, the US was in the middle of a Cold War. Any advantage it could get, it took.
The exchange resulted in the high-tech S4 facility in Area 51 — America’s most closely guarded secret, that is built into the side of a mountain.
Saucers and Element 115 (used to power the saucers’ functions) were delivered here, and the US began back-engineering them in earnest.
This would all be revealed by Los Alamos scientist Bob Lazar, in the 1980s.
The gravity wave extends beyond the nucleus of Element 115, allowing it to be amplified — this gives the aircraft an amazing ability to hover and defy gravity, to travel quickly or bend time space, and all without any G-forces to those inside.
Sound crazy?
Ben Rich, former director of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, once said, "We now have the technology to take ET home."
So, where does that leave us today? Are we destined to destroy the planet? Did President Eisenhower do the right thing? And dare we believe it?
As crazy as it sounds — and you can choose not to believe it — we might have had a chance to turn things around.
Quite frankly, it will be a miracle if we last another 20 years, with little chance of becoming a Type 1 Civilization on the Kardashev scale.
Hopefully, we don’t blow the place all to hell.