MAKICHUK: Justin Trudeau, the Grinch who stole Canada's Christmas
All he had to do, was axe the tax to help families, nothing more

So, apparently, some of us are getting a $250 gift over Christmas, from our hard-earned federal taxpayer money.
And, some kind of GST break, but not until Dec. 15?
But I honestly don’t know who is getting what.
I asked some friends, am I qualified?
They said, well, if you worked last year, you are.
But what if it’s just freelance — I worked freelance for my nemesis Nigel Hannaford at The Western Standard, until he fired me.
Somebody else told me, no. I’m not qualified.
Trudeau only wants it to go to well paid, upper middle-class people.
People making between 100 to 150 grand net in 2023, according to CRA tax filings.
Does anyone know, who gets this useless taxpayer gift?
I mean, what is $250 bucks, anyway? One cart at Costco? When’s the last time the dumb ass in the PMO has been to Costco, with a shopping cart?
Seen the prices. The sad looks on people’s faces.
Hell, if it should go to anybody, it should go to people making less than $50K a year, the poor, the downtrodden, the people struggling to stay alive.
The people who can’t afford high rents and high food prices.
But no, Mr. Trudeau wants to reward the wealthy middle class. What a complete dolt.
Instead of a senior squeaking by on CPP and OAS, if just to buy themselves a nice Christmas dinner, the $250 will go to some middle class guy living at a law firm, so he can buy himself a high-end single malt Scotch.
How bloody heroic is that?
And my God, why wait until Dec. 15? That is well past Black Friday!
By that time, most people have already run up their credit cards. Who wants to wait until after Dec. 15 to do their shopping?
Another idiotic part of the “plan.”
Then there is this ridiculous GST rebate — which will save us mere pennies and cause a massive headache for small businesses in Canada.
No doubt, Trudeau will not be there to help them, should they make a mistake, and the piranha at Revenue Canada go after them in the new year.
Because we all know in our hearts, and from our experience, that Revenue Canada only go after the small fish, because they can.
Trudeau would have been far better … far better … to just axe the carbon tax.
That would have solved everything. It would have helped.
It would have upset his Nutbar in Office, Mr. Guilbeault, but what’s more important? One misguided green activist, or the future of Canada?
So, after doing all these great things, Mr. Trudeau flies to Mar-a-Lago in his comfy, refurbished Airbus A330-200 (sorry about the carbon emissions), to meet with President elect Donald Trump.
The worst point man on the planet, to negotiate trade tariffs.
Nevertheless … he did go, and got the photo op he wanted.
According to CBC, Trump described the meeting as "very productive" on his social media channel Truth Social.
In a post, Trump said he and Trudeau discussed the fentanyl and drug crisis, illegal immigration and Canada-U.S. trade.
"I made it very clear that the United States will no longer sit idly by as our Citizens become victims to the scourge of this Drug Epidemic, caused mainly by the Drug Cartels, and Fentanyl pouring in from China," he wrote.
"We also spoke about many other important topics like Energy, Trade, and the Arctic," Trump added. "All are vital issues that I will be addressing on my first days back in Office, and before."
Get the picture?
These are all things, that Justin screwed up. Screwed up royally. And now, with Trump in power, the chickens have come home to roost.
Canadian officials said nothing has been taken off the table. Nada.
So Trudeau could have saved the cost of jet fuel.
Trade talks, are not for boys with funny socks. It’s for men.
And Trump is no dummy, he knows full well, Justin will be looking for employment in a half year’s time. At least, we hope so.
So I have to give my congrats to Mr. Trump, who has made us jump. And jump high.
If he wanted to shake things up, he has sure succeeded.
I think that’s frikkin’ awesome!
Even Mr. Poilievre has suggested increasing patrols and technology to crack down on illegal drug trafficking, as well as tightening visa rules and working with provincial law enforcement.
Look … it’s time we do something to stop the flow of drugs, to the US. We should be doing much much more. It is our reponsibility.
The other day, the RCMP in BC smashed a massive drug ring, called “Canada’s Breaking Bad.”
And this is just one gang. There are hundreds of others, according to CSIS. A drop in the bucket.
And maybe we should also look at who we are allowing into our country? Are we soft on that front? It’s a good question. We should be vetting out lying refugees.
And it’s high time we spend our 2%, or more, on our NATO commitment. Our military is a total shambles. And some US politicians have had enough, and said so.
And how about supporting our energy industry, and not phasing it out? Drill baby drill Mr. Guilbeault. How do you like them apples?
Electric cars? Trump is axing it all, thank God.
All these things, should have already been done. Instead of wacky and weird green legislation, that makes us look stupid internationally.
And if it involves creating a new border force (clearly, the Mounties are completely unable to deal with it), then so be it.
Wake up and smell the coffee, Justin!
Your smiling face and handshake mean nothing — action, does.
And only action will count with the Trump White House. This time, you will not be able to get away with shit. No grinning denials for the media.
All things considered, if I were you, I’d start looking for a new job now. I heard McDonald’s was hiring.